In a first study of the University of South Dakota, found that about one-third of the learned men engaged in sexual activity while driving, while nine percent nimble as a passenger. Women, on the other hand, are more likely to participate than the passenger side, not from the driver's seat.
This may be because women tend to be more risk-averse or because men often drive while having sex when traveling as a couple, said study author Cindy Struckman-Johnson PhD.
In traveling with partner, 81 percent of men giving or receiving oral sex. Almost half do by hand. 13 percent full intercourse, and 11 percent of people claiming to just masturbation.
It sounds fun, but here's the bad news: begituan while driving is very dangerous, not to mention illegal in some places. Nearly half, sex happens at the speed of 90-130 km per hour, fast enough, even the slightest disturbance can be deadly.
What's more, this is as a result of sex in the car:
-38 Percent of them exceeding the speed limit
-36 Percent drift into another lane
-11 Percent let loose steering
-2 Percent almost hit someone or something
- Nearly 6 out of 10 people do all the way to climax.
"We know that during orgasm, there is a loss of situational awareness," said Struckman-Johnson. Eye and mind you veer off the road for a few seconds, it was long enough for something bad to happen.
Even without orgasm, sex drive itself may be disturbing. The only way to become a good driver is you have to constantly look both inside and outside the car, always staring straight ahead, sideways, and backwards.
Nevertheless, no one of the respondents who reported an accident caused by sex, the researchers said. Surely no one wants to get caught when officers say, "Sorry, sir, I masturbate."
So, what to do when you or your spouse's sexual arousal is being attacked? Do not obeyed. If the couple were to start, promise to immediately have sex when it reaches the destination. Think of sex in a safe manner.
If you really can not wait, pull off. But be careful, if it looks busy on the side of the road, you may be arrested officers. Perhaps the best thing to do is to go to an inn.
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